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Occupational and Environmental Health, 7th Edition

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Barry S. Levy, David H. Wegman, Sherry L. Baron, and Rosemary K. Sokas

Now in a seventh edition, this leading text provides a clear understanding of occupational and environmental health through its multidisciplinary and global approach. Case studies assist readers to apply the basic principles of environmental and occupational health to real-world challenges. Includes extensive graphs, photographs, and drawings to illustrate key concepts.

New to this edition:

  • -New chapters on climate change, children's environmental health, liver disorders, kidney disorders, and a global perspective on occupational health and safety
  • -Expanded coverage of government's role in occupational and environmental health
  • -Updated approaches for recognizing and preventing disease and injury
Table of Contents

Section I: Introduction
1. Occupational and Environmental Health Challenges and Opportunities
2. Occupational and Environmental Health Equity and Social Justice
3. The Roles of Government in Protecting and Promoting Occupational and Environmental Health

Section II: Recognition, Assessment, and Prevention

4. Recognizing and Preventing Occupational and Environmental Disease and Injury
5. Epidemiology
6. Occupational and Environmental Health Surveillance
7. Toxicology
8. Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
9. Occupational Ergonomics: Promoting Safety and Health through Work Design
10. Clinical Occupational and Environmental Health Practice

Section III: Hazardous Exposures

11. Chemical Hazards
12A. Noise Exposure and Hearing Disorders
12B. Vibration
12C. Extremes of Temperature
12D. Ionizing and Non-ionizing Radiation
13. Biological Hazards
14. Occupational Stress
15. Air Pollution
16. Water Contamination
17. Food Safety
18. Hazardous Waste

Section IV: Adverse Health Effects

19. Injuries and Occupational Safety
20. Musculoskeletal Disorders
21. Cancer
22. Respiratory Disorders
23. Neurological Disorders
24. Reproductive and Development Disorders
25. Skin Disorders
26. Cardiovascular Disorders
27. Liver Disorders
28. Kidney Disorders

Section V: An Integrated Approach to Prevention
29. Climate Change
30. Children's Environmental Health
31. Protecting Disaster Rescue and Recovery Workers
32A. Hazards for Agricultural Workers
32B. Hazards for Construction Workers
32C. Hazards for Healthcare Workers
33. Conducting Worksite Investigations
34. Addressing the Built Environment and Health
35. A Global Perspective on Occupational Health and Safety

Appendix: Illustrative Organizations
Publication Date October 2017
Format Softcover, 784 pages
Product Code 24095
Barry S. Levy, MD, MPH, is Adjunct Professor of Public Health, Tufts University School of Medicine and a Past President of the American Public Health Association.
David H. Wegman, MD, MSc, is Professor Emeritus, Department of Work Environment, University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Adjunct Professor, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Sherry L. Baron, MD, MPH, is Professor of Occupational and Environmental Health, Barry Commoner Center for Health and the Environment and the Department of Urban Studies, Queens College of the City University of New York (CUNY), who formerly served with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Rosemary K. Sokas, MD, MOH, is Professor and Immediate Past Chair, Department of Human Science of the School of Nursing and Health Studies at Georgetown University.